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What is Facebook Application?

Know Facebook Application well….

Many people don’t know the basics of facebook application, what is it and how it works? Well, let me explain you today in Layman’s language that, What is Facebook Application and how it works?

Facebook Applications are really a gold mines. They are the entirely new Asset class and the entire new Business opportunities. Many Facebook Application developers have literally made fortunes out of their Facebook applications.

In Layman’s Language, Facebook application is something which adds value to the users of facebook in many forms.

Say, for Example – The Birthday Calendar is a famous FB application. Many FB users use this application to remember their friends’ birthdates.

A Facebook application can be a game also. It can be an online store also which sells virtual goods. In short, a FB application can be anything which is developed on Facebook platform and adds value to the users of facebook. Now, you will think that, Why FB applications are Business Opportunities?

Well, Because many FB Application owners are making literally 6 figure income in dollars every year from their FB applications. Yes, This is True…. I am not Kidding. but many FB applications are making literally 6 figure income for their owners every year.

How to make money from FB applications? -

Well, there are basically 3 ways to make money from FB Applications.

01) By Selling Ad Spaces on the FB application

02) By Selling Virtual Goods

03) By Selling FB application itself.

The above are the 3 basic ways of making money from FB apps. First and commonest way of making money is by selling ad spaces on it. Many apps are earning literally 6 figure income every year by selling ad spaces. Another great way of making FB application is by selling virtual goods on FB application. Some FB applications are making literally millions of dollars by selling virtual goods every year. Virtual goods can be anything such as Virtual Chocolates, Tattoos, valentine roses, virtual pets and many other things. The Last way of making money from FB applications is by selling it for Capital Gains. Yes, This is true. You can sell your FB application just like any other Assets in this world such as stocks, bonds, gold and real estate.

Famous Facebook Applications -

Many FB Applications are very popular and make literally millions of dollars every year for their owners. It’s a passive income which flows in automatically without your much effort.

Mafia Wars, Be a Tycoon & FooPets are some of the most famous Facebook applications. These applications are making literally millions of dollars for their owners every year.

So I advise young college going people to look for this entirely new variety of Business Opportunity. It’s a great money making opportunity….!!!


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