Age Breakdown of US Millionaires

This is the information age and because of the information age, now more and more younger people are entering into the millionaire club. Previously a typical, self-made first generation millionaires were commonly from 45-60 years of age group.

But now this trend is changing. Today because of the Internet, more and more young people are joining the millionaire club. Right now when I am writing this article, the people from 20-35 years of age are joining the millionaire club at highest rate.

This is because of the staggering growth of their Internet Businesses. The Internet Businesses grow exponentially in a very short period of time and because of this exponential growth, people in the Information age are getting rich faster and faster at the speed of light.

Many Bloggers and website owners have made their fortunes in their twenties and thirties. People who born after 1990 have seen the world through the eye of the Internet and that’s why they have started doing their businesses and Investments on the Internet.

These young entrepreneurs are joining the millionaire club day by day. And in the future, we will see more and more young age Internet millionaires and billionaires.
