According to several studies done on wealthy people, it is observed that – There is a strong positive correlation between Investment Planning and Wealth Accumulation.
People who allocate more time for planning their Investments are much more richer than those who don’t allocate any time at all to plan their finances.
People who fail to accumulate significant wealth are those who have typically never ever spend a single hour behind planning their Investments, Financial Goals & Financial future. And unfortunately, most of the people in this world are like this.
Whenever I ask one of my friend that, Why he doesn’t allocate time for planning his Investments, he replies,
- Who Cares? I earn a Lot which covers all of my expenses. So I don’t need to plan my investments. I don’t want to waste my time.
This is one extreme. Now, let us see what my other friend says about this.
- Well, I have so much of work at my job place that I don’t get any free time to plan my investments.
Both of the above are the 2 extremes. People don’ understand the importance of Investment planning. They think that this is something that everyone should do in a Free time or if they get some waste time. But the fact is that, you actively have to extract few hours a week from your busy schedule to plan your Investments.
No matter how much you earn today. But if you never spend any time behind planning your investments than you will never become rich. So Start spending at least few hours a week to plan your Investments…!!!
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