Millionaires Live Below their Means

Many people have a false belief that Millionaires are those who drive expensive cars, wear branded clothes & watches and do expensive shopping. This is because the media (News Papers & TV Channels) only cover the life style of glamorous people who spend lots of money.

Media never cover the life style of the true millionaires who live frugal. The real millionaires are those who live below their means, never take a debt and always spend less than they earn. But unfortunately, this is not the glamorous life style and that’s why there is nothing exciting in it.

If someone is earning $ 4 Million a year and his accumulated wealth is just $ 1.2 Million than technically speaking he is a millionaire but he is not wealthy. The millionaires are those who live frugal and spend less than they earn.

While a True Millionaire is one who if stops working today than also can live for the rest of his life on his wealth without working. Being Frugal is a best Financial advise but unfortunately, there is nothing exciting and glamorous about living frugal and that’s why media never cover the life style of true millionaires who live frugal.

It is only the Financial Education, by which you can understand the value of Living below your means…!!!
